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Level 4: What Agents, Landlords and Tenants need to know....

Guidelines for Agents, Landlords & Tenants with respect to Moving, Ingoing & Outgoing Inspections during lockdown level 4 Shaun Luyt, Rental Leader Focus Group

I know there are differing legal opinions with regard to whether rental agents are permitted to carry out ingoing and outgoing inspections it terms of the State of Disaster Level regulations.

I’m not going to be weighing into that debate as it’s ‘above my pay grade’ (literally and figuratively!) . . . Business Owners, Managers and Principals will need to set their own company policy in this regard once they have evaluated the legal advice and information available to them.

What I DO know is that a number of rental agencies have decided to carry out in/outgoing inspections for tenants that are permitted to move.

In line with my goal of providing rental agencies and agents with practical information, guidelines and resources, I have prepared three sets of guidelines to assist my clients, their agents and their landlord and tenant clients to ensure that inspections are carried out in as safe a manner as possible and that tenants and landlords understand their responsibilities in this regard.

The pack I have put together includes the following editable guidelines that can be edited and branded for your company and policy:

  • Quick Reference Guide for Agents

  • Quick Reference Guide for Tenants

  • Quick Reference Guide for Landlords

These guidelines include the following information:

  • guidelines for tenants to move – in our out – of a rental property

  • suggested guidelines / precautions for agents when arranging and carrying out ingoing and outgoing inspections

  • recommended criteria for tenants to satisfy prior to arranging / confirming ingoing or outgoing inspection appointments

  • guidelines with respect to cleaning, sanitising, maintenance, repairs, damages and the finalisation and refunding of deposits

  • guidelines for pre-screening tenants

All of the documents include links to relevant reference documents, videos, etc.

As per usual, these guidelines are available for Rental Leader Focus Group to download – you just need to log in to the site to access.

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